who is AN inside story for?

An Inside Story:
for personal and professional development

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for people who are in the thick of things

for people facing a difficult or recurring issue

for people who want to live well

for people who want to stimulate their creative self

for people who want to be part of a wider change

For coaches, therapists, facilitators, artists, leaders wanting to reflect on their practice and engage more deeply with obstacles and challenges

Stand-alone Story session

A Stand-alone Story session takes 2 hours and costs £225. Email Fiona@an-inside-story.co.uk to make a booking.

An Inside Story Experience Package

Find out about An Inside Story Experience Package by booking a free Discovery Call.

Online Course

Courses for coaches, therapists and facilitators wanting a creative addition to their practice.

This is a different way to explore and inspire personal goals.
I was fascinated by what I came out with and to discover how the power of storytelling could help me access things which were on the very edge of my consciousness.
I would recommend any leader who wants to better realise their potential to respond to this opportunity.
I found an alchemy in the story landscape, which enabled me to dig deeper into my own resources than I have done through more direct interventions (e.g. coaching)
All quotes from An Inside Story participants

All quotes from An Inside Story participants